Kulturno izobraževalno društvo kibla
2000 Maribor, Slovenija
Kulturno izobraževalno društvo kibla Company Information
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// ENG bellow //
KIBLA je slovenska in mednarodna nevladna institucija na segmentiranem področju kreativnih industrij, interdisciplinarne, intermedijske, multimedijske, vizualne, glasbene in AV umetnosti, kulture in neformalnega izobraževanja. Predstavlja, prireja, poducira, koproducira, dokumentira in arhivira kulturno-umetniške projekte ter elektronske in tiskane izdaje v zbirki TOX (od 1995) in reviji Folio (od 2009).
KIBLA je kratica za kibernetični laboratorij KIB_LA.
Leta 2008 je KIBLA prejela nagrado za odličnost v multimediji, ki jo podeljuje Evropski multimedijski forum (EMF). Od leta 2004 je članica Mreža multimedijskih centrov Slovenije (M3C), v kateri 16 multimedijskih centrov prezentira, distribuira in promovira vizualno/intermedijsko sceno in lokalno umetniško produkcijo.
MMC (Multimedijski center) KIBLA je bil ustanovljen 4. julija 1996 in od leta 1998 deluje kot KID (Kulturno izobraževalno društvo) KIBLA, s sedežem v Narodnem domu Maribor, na Ulici kneza Koclja 9. V 20 letih delovanja se je na treh lokacijah razvila v osrednje mestno, regionalno, nacionalno in mednarodno dogajališče sodobne umetnosti in kulture, neformalnega izobraževanja, kreativne uporabe novih informacijsko-komunikacijskih tehnologij ter interdisciplinarnih praks. 2002 se je vzpostavila Komunikacijsko informacijska točka KIT (od 2014 s spremenjeno namembnostjo ARTKIT) v Rotovški hiši na Glavnem trgu 14 in 2012 KIBLA PORTAL v stari industrijski hali v izmeri dva tisoč kvadratnih metrih na Valvasorjevi 40 na Studencih.
V MMC KIBLA, artKIT-u in v KIBLA PORTALU si lahko ogledate razstavo, umetniški performans, glasbeni ali AV nastop ali se udeležite literarnega večera, razprave, festivalov s področja sodobne umetnosti, glasbe, literature in njihovih interdisciplinarnih oblik ter aktualne problematike kulture, humanistike, sodobnih tehnologij ter neformalnih izobraževalnih aktivnosti.
// SLO above//
ACE KIBLA is a national and international non-governmental institution in the segmented field of creative industries, interdisciplinary, intermedia and multimedia art, visual arts, AV, music, culture and informal education. It is an institution that presents, organizes, produces, co-produces, documents and archives cultural-artistic projects, as well as electronic and printed publications in the TOX series (since 1995) and FOLIO magazine (since 2009).
KIBLA is short for cyber (kiber) laboratory KIB_LA.
In 2008 KIBLA was awarded with the European Seal of E-Excellence in multimedia, by the European Multimedia Forum (EMF). Since 2004, KIBLA is a member of the Multimedia Centers Network of Slovenia (M3C), in which 16 multimedia centers present, distribute and promote the visual arts/intermedia scene and local artistic productions in Slovenia.
The Multimedia Center KIBLA was founded on July 4 1996, and has been operating since 1998 as the Association for Culture and Education KIBLA (the Narodni dom building; Kneza Koclja Street 9, Maribor, Slovenia). In the 20 years of existence, the institution, with its three locations, developed into a pivotal happening point of the city, the region, the country, and wider, as a place of contemporary arts and culture, informal education, creative use of the emerging ICT and interdisciplinary practices. In 2002, the information and communication point KIT was established (since 2014 with a changed purpose as ARTKIT), located on Glavni Trg Square 14 in the historical Town Hall, and in 2012, KIBLA PORTAL was launched as an exhibition venue at the old industrial hall on Valvasorjeva Street 40, measuring over 2.000 m².
At the MMC KIBLA, ARTKIT and KIBLA PORTAL you can check out exhibitions, musical, AV and other forms of artistic performances, attend literary evenings, discussions, contemporary art, music and literary festivals and their interdisciplinary variants, or get in touch with the current issues and problematic in the fields of culture, humanism, modern technologies and informal educational activities.
Ulica kneza Koclja 9 Maribor
- Delovni čas
Ponedeljek:09:00 - 22:00Torek:09:00 - 22:00Sreda:09:00 - 22:00Četrtek:09:00 - 22:00Petek:09:00 - 22:00Sobota:16:00 - 22:00
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- Telefonska številka
- +38659076371
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