Muzej za arhitekturo in oblikovanje (MAO)
1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija
Muzej za arhitekturo in oblikovanje (MAO) Company Information
Splošne informacije
Muzej za arhitekturo in oblikovanje je osrednja slovenska muzejska za arhitekturo, urbanizem, industrijsko in grafično oblikovanje ter fotografijo. Muzej zbira in hrani gradivo z navedenih področij, ga preučuje ter predstavlja javnosti na razstavah, predavanjih, delavnicah in skozi druge dejavnosti. Muzejske zbirke obsegajo skoraj 150 000 različnih predmetov od načrtov, skic in modelov zgradb do različnega pohištva, drobnih premetov, aparatov, plakatov, različnih tiskovin in fotografij. V MAO so zastopani skoraj vsi vidni slovenski arhitekti in oblikovalci 20. stoletja ter številni fotografi; skupaj več kot 1000 avtorjev.
Arhitekturni muzej je leta 1972 ustanovilo mesto Ljubljana, leta 2010 pa je ustanoviteljske obveznosti prevzela Vlada Republike Slovenije in ga preimenovala v muzej za arhitekturo in oblikovanje.
Z zbiranjem in predstavljanjem dediščine MAO svojim obiskovalcem omogoča razumevanje preteklosti in prihodnosti arhitekture, oblikovanja in fotografije. Muzej se odpira kot prostor, namenjen vsem, ki želijo raziskovati, se učiti in izvedeti več o tem, kako naseljujemo življenjski prostor, ga organiziramo, spreminjamo, oblikujemo, označujemo in si ga prisvajamo.
Muzej za arhitekturo in oblikovanje se nahaja na Fužinskem gradu, na levem bregu Ljubljanice, na vzhodnem robu mesta slovenske prestolnice. Fužinski grad je lep primer renesančnega dvorca s cilindričnimi vogalnimi stolpi in arkadnim osrednjim dvoriščem.
Odpiralni čas:
Odprto: Torek-Nedelja 10.00-18.00
Zaprto: Ponedeljki in prazniki (1. januar, 1. november in 25. december)
The Museum of Architecture and Design is a national Slovene museum for architecture, industrial design, graphic design, visual communication and photography. MAO introduces the past work of architects, designers, and photographers as useful experiences, knowledge, and ideas for a better future. It systematically collects, stores and studies materials related to these fields of activity and displays them in temporary and permanent exhibitions, making it possible for visitors to understand the past and the future of architecture, design and photography. The Museum of Architecture and Design (known as MAO, from its Slovene name Muzej za arhitekturo in oblikovanje) houses nearly 150,000 different objects, from plans, sketches, and models for buildings to various kinds of furniture, small objects, instruments and appliances, posters, various kinds of printed materials, and photographs. Almost all the prominent Slovene architects and designers from the twentieth century, as well as many photographers, are represented in the museum’s holdings, totalling more 1,000 artists altogether.
The Ljubljana Architecture Museum was established in 1972 by the City of Ljubljana. In April 2010 the management of the museum was transferred from the city to the state and the museum was renamed into Museum of Architecture and Design.
MAO offers visitors a diverse experience with modern, attractive exhibitions, presentations and programmes with content for people from different backgrounds and all ages. Through various educational events museum is establishing itself as an innovative space for creating, gathering, exchange and learning.
The Museum of Architecture and Design is located at Fužine Castle, on the left bank of the Ljubljanica river, at the eastern edge of the Slovene capital City. Fužine Castle is a fine example of a Renaissance chateau with cylindrical corner towers and an arcaded central courtyard.
Opening Hours:
Open: Tuesday-Sunday 10.00-18.00
Closed: Mondays and holidays (1 January, 1 November and 25 December)
Pot na Fužine 2 Ljubljana
- Delovni čas
Torek:10:00 - 18:00Sreda:10:00 - 18:00Četrtek:10:00 - 18:00Petek:10:00 - 18:00Sobota:10:00 - 18:00Nedelja:10:00 - 18:00
- Parkirišče
- Podjetje ima parkirišče.
- Telefonska številka
- +38615484270
- Linki
- Računi družbenih omrežij.
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